Does a soakaway cause rising damp?
By: admin | Posted on: August 8, 2021
Soakaways that have been installed many years ago are likely to be an issue. This is based on experience in finding the root cause of rising damp issues, and suspended timber floor decay. Really a soakaway needs flood testing, along with a CCTV drain camera survey. Once this is carried out, only then can I offer guidance on any repairs. It isn’t unusual to be offered a free damp survey, but it is highly unlikely you will get the best advice where all potential causes have been eliminated as the root cause. Please note I don’t offer a free damp survey. If you need professional advice in regards to your damp issue please email enquiries@completepreservation.co.uk
Do you cover damp surveys in Warminster Wiltshire? I’ve had a quote to remove concrete render, and replace with lime plaster. From watching your YouTube videos, there has been no rising damp investigation, and I’m worried the lime plasterer is bias, and I still will have a damp issue.
Hi Penelope,
Yes I do cover Warminster in regards to damp investigations, and also lime plastering. Its very common now for lime plaster to be specified, without a damp investigation, as you’ve just found out. email me your details please enquiries@completepreservation.co.uk There is a charge for all damp surveys, but I will get to the root cause of your damp issue.
Googling away to find a damp expert after spending thousands of pounds and still having issues, i come across your website. From your advice on YouTube I have been filling my drains with water, and I have noticed at least one soak-away is blocked. When I eventually got a floor board up opposite the floor is flooded and the walls are saturated.
Thanks for me getting this far.
Do you cover Warminster in Wiltshire for damp surveys?
Hi Paul,
Nice to hear you have down your own investigation following some of my advice from the videos 🙂
I do cover Warminster.
Send me your details to enquiries@completepreservtion.co.uk