How to install a French drain? Should you?!

By: admin | Posted on: June 29, 2021

Have you got a saturated wall and damp issues ? Have you been told to install a French drain? Do you have a French drain that you don’t exactly know where it is, and even if it is actually working?How to install a French drain?

I have seen many of these installed over the years which have cause serious damp issues where water actually ends up ponding around the building, just like a damaged drain.

Watch my video to see my options of French drains.

How to install a French drain

If you wish to have a sympathetic damp repair in the first instance you need the correct damp diagnosis. This is something I can help especially when it come s to finding the root cause of damp issues. This might involve CCTV drain surveys, leak detection, carbide testing, gravimetric sampling (BRE DIGEST 245)